Fertilizer storage

1 SHELTERALL® 21 M x 60 M

Post base anchored by pre-sealing plate embedded in the concrete slab

The solution

SED called on the expertise of the SHELTERALL® teams in 2019 after winning a contract with one of the world’s leading fertilizer manufacturers.

To meet their urgent needs, 3 SHELTERALL® were installed to protect several thousand metric tons of fertilizer from the elements.

Two 21 m x 60 m metal-textile buildings were built in the port area for bulk storage in big bags or on pallets. An open industrial shelter solution was chosen to boost flexibility in this multimodal transportation configuration at the port and speed up loading and unloading at the dockside. Mounted on TOUTABLOC® concrete blocks, the demountable buildings have a height at the ridge of 12.4 m, making them easy for forklift trucks, dump trucks and loaders to negotiate.

In addition, a closed SHELTERALL® was installed at SED’s oldest site for the industrial storage of finished products ready for shipping in big bags and on pallets. The storage shed is equipped with automatic side-wall doors to optimize traffic flows.

These three storage tents were also equipped with mesh half-moons to improve air circulation and evacuate hot air from the upper section.

The industrial tents are made of white tarpaulin to ensure a uniform temperature (lower in summer and higher in winter),

diffuse luminosity (+10% light transmission) and 15 dB noise reduction 

The 21 m extra-wide SHELTERALL® model was chosen, with an additional half a row of pallets and optimized ground storage volume.

In 2022, the two open SHELTERALL® at the port were dismantled and moved to the customer’s new site to meet a new need: the construction of high-capacity storage silos for bulk fertilizers and grains.

In this new configuration, the storage sheds were twinned and mounted on TOUTABLOC® concrete blocks 3.20 m high, allowing materials to be stored up to 3 m high. To ensure perfect sealing, and to protect the fertilizers and grains from birds and rodents, the hangers are closed with rear gables, and fitted at the front with automatic doors and emergency exit doors. The ease with which stored materials can be retrieved allows for a high rotation capacity.

SED fitted its buildings with a specific internal membrane (drinking-water quality) so that the silo can be rinsed between two batches, ensuring that the storage of food products and fertilizers is compatible.

Demountable, modular and foundation-free, the SHELTERALL® allows for short-, medium- and long-term storage in ideal preservation conditions.

The options for this project

  • Automatic door on each gable
  • Gable emergency exit door
  • Automatic door on side wall
  • Gable marking
Project on foundations

TOUTABLOC® is France’s leading network for the distribution and design of concrete block walls.

It is intended for professionals in the industrial, construction, local authority and agricultural sectors. Our partner suppliers are never far from your site. We can ensure the best prices.

Quality and service are our top priorities.


Success story
Let our customers do the talking

"I received excellent support for my project from the SHELTERALL® teams, who were able to adapt to the constraints of my different sites. I chose SHELTERALL® because of its large storage capacity and guaranteed strength, thanks to compliance with the Building Eurocodes."

Mr. Matthieu Naddeo, SED Arles Manager

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