Ground storage

3 SHELTERALL® 10 M x 8 M

Anchoring bolts on TOUTABLOC®

The solution

Savoie Réfractaires, a Saint-Gobain group company, was looking for a solution to protect and store big bags. They chose SHELTERALL® for its flexibility , rapid installation and value for money.

On this site, the storage sheds were built on forty blocks. As the buildings are modular and a large number of options are available, each project can be customized and adapted to Savoie Réfractaires’ needs.

To give the Saint-Gobain brand greater visibility, the half-moons were flocked with the company’s name. Warning signs on storage heights were also installed. Here, SHELTERALL® becomes a powerful communication tool.

Confident in the efficiency of our teams and the reliability of our products, Savoie Réfractaires conducted a new project in 2022, involving three 10 m x 11.25 m x 0.80 m SHELTERALL® with identical options.

The options for this project

  • Half-moon
  • Anchor bolt
  • Flocking
  • Solid flexible gable
  • Gutters
  • 1.70 m protection sheets
Project on foundations

TOUTABLOC® is France’s leading network for the distribution and design of concrete block walls.

It is intended for professionals in the industrial, construction, local authority and agricultural sectors. Our partner suppliers are never far from your site. We can ensure the best prices.

Quality and service are our top priorities.


Success story
A word from the sales team

"This project was perfectly suited to the customer’s requirements for big bag storage. SHELTERALL® is ideal for industrial environments. The possibility of introducing options, such as flocking in this case, contributes to the group’s effective communication."

Tristan Coubrun, SHELTERALL® sales representative, Construction sector

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