
2 SHELTERALL® 21 m x 40 m

Anchoring bolt on Toutabloc

The solution

LELY ENVIRONNEMENT won a contract to supply wood biomass to cement manufacturing customers looking for an alternative fuel. This project is part of the drive to decarbonize French industry.

As a result, they needed to increase their bulk biomass storage capacity and keep it dry, to ensure good combustion quality. Two extra-wide metal-textile buildings were installed, providing a covered surface area of 1,680 m².The industrial tents were mounted on TOUTABLOC® concrete block walls to optimize the storage space. The signage indicating the maximum storage height is a valuable aid for forklift truck operators.

Our compost and wood storage sheds were installed rapidly, which meant that deadlines were met and the sheds were delivered before winter to house the biomass.

The Saint-Quentin-sur-Isère platform is located in a snowy and very windy area. Guaranteed compliance with building construction standards and Building Eurocodes was a key decision-making factor.

Lely is a company that is highly committed to the environment. Offering them a solution designed and manufactured entirely in France, with locally produced TOUTABLOC® blocks, thus reducing the carbon footprint, made all the difference.

To date, this is our biggest biomass storage project in France. This benchmark has paved the way for numerous requests for similar wood/biomass storage shed projects. Our teams are proud to support Lely Environnement in this project that aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the cement industry.

The options for this project

  • Storage height signage
  • Gutters
Project on foundations

TOUTABLOC® is France’s leading network for the distribution and design of concrete block walls.

It is intended for professionals in the industrial, construction, local authority and agricultural sectors. Our partner suppliers are never far from your site. We can ensure the best prices.

Quality and service are our top priorities.


Success story
Let our customers do the talking

"For this 1,680 m² bulk biomass storage project, what made all the difference was the quick implementation of the SHELTERALL® and TOUTABLOC® solution, and guaranteed compliance with Building Eurocodes standards."

Pierre Loizeau, Shelterall sales manager

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